cPanel Shared Hosting

Hosting websites since 1997,
using cPanel since 2003.

Hi my name is Michael and I know website hosting inside and out. I started using cPanel so my clients could manage their Hosting Accounts 24/7.

You can see the status of our Shared Hosting Server here, our Server is monitored by an independent 3rd party.

Shared Hosting

Base Package $14.50 per month

  • Space - 200 mb
  • Monthly Bandwidth Limit - 10,000 mb
  • Max FTP Accounts - 2
  • Max Email Accounts - 0
  • Max SQL Databases - 1
  • Max Sub Domains - 0
  • Max Parked Domains - 0
  • Max Addon Domains - 0
  • Maximum Hourly Email by Domain Relayed - 100

Add-Ons per month

  • Space - 500mb @ $1.50
  • Bandwidth - 10,000 mb @ $2.00
  • FTP Accounts - 50 cents
  • Email Accounts - 50 cents
  • SQL Databases - 50 cents
  • Sub Domains - 50 cents
  • Parked Domains - 50 cents
  • Addon Domains - $5.00
  • Hourly Email by Domain Relayed - N/A

Master Service Agreement
Hosting Account Information
Contact Us

Virtual Private Server (VPS)

Your own server - fully managed and configured how you want it.

Bronze $200 per month

  • 4 GB RAM
  • 2 vCPUs
  • 50 GB SSD Storage
  • 2000 GB Monthly Transfer
  • Email Support
  • Fully Managed
  • cPanel + Reseller WHM
  • CloudLinux 7

Silver $250 per month

  • 8 GB RAM
  • 4 vCPUs
  • 80 GB SSD Storage
  • 4000 GB Monthly Transfer
  • Email Support
  • Fully Managed
  • cPanel + Reseller WHM
  • CloudLinux 7

Gold $300 per month

  • 12 GB RAM
  • 4 vCPUs
  • 100 GB SSD Storage
  • 6000 GB Monthly Transfer
  • Email Support
  • Fully Managed
  • cPanel + Reseller WHM
  • CloudLinux 7